In order to get honey out of your beehive you have to be able to take it out of the honey comb. If you are a top bar beekeeper, you do this by removing the whole comb and then straining the honey out. But if you use standard wired frames in a Langstroth type hive, then you will need to use a honey extractor to get the honey out.
Category: Harvesting honey
Aug 19
Harvesting Honey: 5 Tips
Harvesting honey is one of the most exciting jobs of a beekeeper (click here to see a video showing how to harvest honey). It is the time when all your hard work pays off, and it is such a thrill to taste the first honey from your own hive. But, as with everything to do with beekeeping, there are a few pitfalls you need to watch out for! Here are 5 tips to help ensure that your first honey harvest runs smoothly.