Welcome to the BestBeekeeping Blog.
Bees are fascinating creatures, and here we’ll look at all things beekeeping – why keep bees, what you need to start beekeeping, diseases and other issues to watch for, honey and other bee products and their uses …. the list is almost endless!
Beekeeping has never been more popular, but paradoxically bees have never been more at risk
Bees are under serious threat from pests like the Varroa mite, diseases like American Foulbrood or European Foulbrood, and more recently from Colony Collapse Disorder (or CCD).
Of course the revived interest in beekeeping is partly because of the increased media interest caused by these threats. People are more aware of how important bees and beekeeping are for our food supply (one third of everything we eat depends on pollination, and 80% of all pollination is done by honey bees).
But I believe beekeeping is also rising in popularity because more and more people are beginning to realize that just maybe there is more to life than work, money, material possessions… and then some more work.
Bees and beekeeping have a unique power to allow you to switch off from the pressures of everyday life, to de-stress and unwind.
From the outside, it looks like mayhem. 60,000 bees buzzing about their hive in a seemingly bewildered and incoherent way. But each one has a specific job to do, and together they accomplish more every day than you could possibly believe.
Fascinating is a word that is probably overused when it comes to describing bees, but they really are fascinating .
You are reading this, so you are obviously interested in bees and beekeeping. So stay tuned, we’ll be posting to the blog very often. If you have any questions or suggestions we’d love to hear them, so please leave a comment below, or email us.